When I was only 11 years old, I was able to paint my portrait. I did everything I felt like and it turned out good. Whenever I sit in front of the easel I do everything with sincerity. We paint everything in the way and we like it. Our paintings reflect our direct contact with the world around us. I always try to find the most suitable form to render the portrait and the beauty of the Romanian landscape. -- Maria Ciolacoff
Painter | Romania
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Artist Statement
Where did the passion for painting come from?
It just came. I was six years old when, in Munich, where I was attending kindergarten among native German speakers, I would return home and my heart felt I could do something unique, sit down at my desk and draw. It felt wonderful.
After four years I returned to Bucharest and my mother accompanied me to Mr. Mladin, an accomplished painter-teacher. My sister Chiara, who was only five years old, was with me.
After testing us, Mr Mladin told my mother that we were talented. That's how I began to learn the secrets of painting.
The results came unexpectedly. When I was only 11 years old, I was able to paint my portrait. I did everything I felt like and it turned out good. Whenever I sit in front of the easel I do everything with sincerity. We paint everything in the way and we like it. Our paintings reflect our direct contact with the world around us. I always try to find the most suitable form to render the portrait and the beauty of the Romanian landscape.
The results are beginning to show. I was a fifth grader at DSBU when I participated in the contest ,,My Dream Vacation" where I was rewarded with the highest prize, six days with my family in Greece, on the island of Crete. I felt fulfilled. From there I gained even more courage and love for this wonderful art which I combine with piano and singing lessons. I hope this work will bear fruit later. m now learning different painting techniques thanks to my dear teacher Roxana Vlad. I thank her for the warmth with which she instills my love for painting. Every time it is a pleasure to meet her. I feel she gives me the confidence I need and I progress. She is always challenging me to do what I feel, with faith!
My art results from sincerity and simplicity, vivid, airy, sunny painting, inspired by the beauty of the sights of everyday human life. I constantly follow the harmony of the painting, the space and the colours used. I give importance to space, light, colour, line and form. I have been trying since I was 14 to find an art that inspires towards the condition of Music, taking into account that I also play the piano and take singing lessons. My early portraits and self-portraits offer emotional and intellectual details of subtle aspects of the human condition. I always keep in mind when I paint the relative importance of color versus drawing and composition. When I paint portraits of young children, I aim to use a soft color palette and use related motifs to give the feeling of humanness.